Friday, January 8, 2016

Success Guide: How To Make 2016 A Awesome And Fulfilling Year

The difference between who you are in 2015 and who you will be in 2016 Is what you will do in the new year, practicing the same daily tasks and taking same
daily actions of last year will produce same result.

This year 2016 we believe to be our year of fulfillment and reward, this will be much easier and possible if only we do the things expected of us by God because He (God) only does miracles and not magic, so we are expected to open the floor first before we start getting his blessings.

This blog post is written in form of an advice and not really in a full article context but still very much interesting and helpful so enjoy as I discuss proven
ways you can make year 2016 a awesome and fulfilling year.

<b>Set Goals In 2016.</b>

Many people have said this to you, you have seen a lot of articles, Facebook post and blog post addressing this same point but the fact is you are yet to set goals for the year. You need to set goals in 2016 because you will have no options than to
succeed and fulfill those set Goals.
When you set goals you are setting a loud alarm that will also remind and remember you of where you ought to be, I know you have dreams you want to hit
it big in year 2016 but how do you plan to do that?
Don't tell me how just pick a pen and a book and write down those plans, set your goals short term and long term, set for this month of January, set for
the next 6months and also set for the whole year.

<b>Take More Of Action In 2016.</b>

In 2016 take more of actions than planning because small deeds done is better than great deeds planned, yeap it is truth that You have written down your
plans, dreams and vision for the year, the next step is to take the necessary action because It is not enough to set goals without trying as much to fulfill those
goals. Good decision are pretty good but dirty useless if we refuse to take actions on them. The only ways to fulfill your dream this year is to wake up from them and start doing something.

<b>Re-position Your Mind.</b>

In this year 2016 If we misuse our mind, our brain and our body will suffer, I also want you to remember that where ever you mind goes that's where you brain will follow. It is very important as a matter of fact it is a serious matter, your mind
controls everything you do, I want to tell you that there's no action I mean nothing you do in this world that you didn't first think about it conscious or unconscious, it is possible for you to say one thing and do another but it is not possible for you to think one thing and do another because before you do another you will conceive the thought first.
So in the year 2016 it is very important we re-position our mind for a awesome and fulfilling year, positive thought should be our habit.

<b>Start Something</b>

This is a new year and another better opportunity to start something new, either small or big just make sure you start something, I discover that the most
difficult part of it is to start and also it is the most important Part, never wait for the time when no one will find no fault in what you are doing because that time might never come, as a matter of fact such time doesn't exist and this is the problem of many people.

In the year 2016 the idea is to Start Small, Aim High and Grow Fast this is because Ability last longer than luck don't try and be lucky rather try and be able.

<b>Don't Stop Learning</b>

The most greatest tragedy that can happen to a man who want to succeed in life is to stop Learning, If you stop Learning you will stop growing, in this year 2016 make it as a mandate to increase your knowledge base, this is Because you are as rich as what you
know, learn new things everyday, no knowledge is a waste, that word is not just been said It's truth in fact every good knowledge is a blessing.

<b>Final Note.</b>

In 2016 Luck is not a factor. Hope is not a strategy and failure is not an option.
If you find this article interesting, helpful or funny, drop your comment and share with friend to help them make 2016 a fulfilling and awesome year.

This article was written by Kazeem Olabisi Benson of you can visit his blog for more nice articles.
from Ogwuche Abel

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